April 18th, 2024 News You might have noticed that we have sold out of that most popular of all meats- you guessed it, Chicken Breast! As you may know, part of this shortage is a result of the floods last summer, but the main factor has been your amazing support with purchasing chicken breast at record rates! Thank you! To bridge the gap between our empty breast inventory now and our upcoming pastured poultry season (end of May), we turned to our farm partners and close friends from Pat’s Pastured Farm in Rhode Island. We have worked closely with owners Pat and Kelly McNiff for more than a decade and have nearly identical operations. The only difference between Pat’s Pastured and Maple Wind chicken is that Pat’s chickens are raised on Rhode Island pastures. Everything else is the same. We get our chicks from the same hatchery, and non-GMO feed from the same source. As regenerative farms, we move our chicken to new fresh pasture daily throughout the grazing season, building soil health as we go. Both farms have a small on-farm USDA inspected processing plant and produce quality cuts with skilled staff. If you want to learn more about Pat’s Pastured Farm please find it here. We hope you enjoy the delicious and nutritious Pat’s Pastured chicken breast now back in stock! |

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