Chef Chat with Doug Paine of Juniper restaurant & bar

Chef Chat with Doug Paine of Juniper restaurant & bar

We pride ourselves in Vermont with a robust agricultural community, a commitment to the localvore mentality and count ourselves so lucky to have a plethora of amazing restaurants and chefs that share the same values! We have worked with Chef Doug Paine for countless years at the restaurant Juniper in downtown Burlington located in Hotel Vermont. If you have not been there, put it on your bucket list for sure!

Working with Doug is wonderful! He has a strong commitment to supporting the local farmers in our area, of which we feel lucky to be one of them and creating an impressive array of delicious offerings.

I asked Doug a few questions to expand on about our products and this is what he had to say:


Doug, you go through 45-60 dozen eggs a week! What makes our eggs stand out?

Maple Wind Farm eggs have a more rich taste and dark orange yolk that we really appreciate in all of our cooking and baking needs. We know that great foods start with great ingredients. Our 2 egg breakfast has always been in our top selling dishes. Customers always comment on how fresh and tasty the eggs are. There is something beautiful about the simplicity of fried eggs, and being pasture raised just makes them better. Another thing we make with the eggs is our aioli. It has been a staple on the menu for us since the beginning and goes great with just about anything.


You order our chicken every week all year round, why is that?

We work with many local farms. The consistency and quality of Maple Wind chicken is unmatched also we know it is coming in as fresh as can be, having been processed only hours before we get it delivered. It has an unmatched shelf life when compared to other chicken. We sell a lot of fried chicken either as a main course or a sandwich and the skin on Maple Wind's chicken always cooks up nice and crispy.


What else would you like to say about your relationship with Maple Wind Farm.

The thing that really sets Maple Wind apart for me though is knowing that Beth and Bruce are great people. The care and attention they put into all aspects of their farm really shows. They are examples of what great Vermont farmers should be.  True stewards of the land, they strive to balance farming with the natural environment.


Doug Paine grew up in the NEK of Vermont. It was here that he learned a love of nature, agriculture and outdoor recreation. Doug has spent  the last 10 years as Executive Chef at Juniper Bar and Restaurant. Doug lives with his family on the Huntington River in Richmond, VT. 

Juniper Bar & Restaurant in Hotel Vermont41 Cherry St Burlington VT. The cocktails are out of this world as well!


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